We provide as much accounting support as you need, by a team of dedicated staff. Remotely, securely and sustainably.

The beauty of it all is the in-built integrations between all of these different apps. The whole thing saves time and creates better efficiencies within the practice

Sach Yadav, Pennyhills

Xero Gold Champions

We’re proud holders of the Xero Gold Champion Partner Badge, which means we’re experts at helping small and medium-sized businesses with Xero. Each member of our team is Xero-certified.

Since 2015, our team have been staying ahead of the changes in the software by:

  • Attending updates on Xero’s certified training programs
  • Volunteering in beta trials, on new areas of the software
  • Providing feedback to Xero
  • Contributing to the community Q&A’s
  • Speaking at Xero conferences

We are a Xero only practice

Our commitment to only using Xero, with our clients, means our team is able to advise you with confidence, whether running your company payroll, complex reporting or Making Tax Digital.

Our advice is quick, to the point and directly answers your questions.

Our Team

The energy that drives us forward.

Creative Administrator


  • 12 Countries Visited
  • 25 Bands Seen Live
  • 5842 Hours Immersed in Video Games



  • 1500 Sudoku solved to date
  • 3 Books read in a single day
  • 25 Times I broke up with my husband before getting married to him



  • 3000 games of chess played
  • 3 countries visited in 15 seconds!
  • 3675 hours played on Nintendo Switch



  • 2 Driving Tests passed 1st time!
  • 35 Cities visited
  • 17 No. of times I watched ‘Dirty Dancing’.



  • 199 Tax returns submitted
  • 16 BBQ’s Hosted
  • 47 Golf balls lost



  • 14 Glasses of water
  • 12 Said ‘No’ to my kid
  • 6 Huddled on Slack

Our Agenda for Sustainability

Pennyhills tackles three key areas; Economy, People and Environment.


We help create sustainable businesses that bloom and flourish.

  • Keep costs low by being remote
  • We automate labour intensive processes to keep costs low
  • We use the time saved on manual data entry, to encourage more advisory services, for direction and strategy
  • We use cloud based technology only, so we can be with you on the move and not use energy zapping servers for desktop applications
  • We help build strong, healthy and sustainable businesses for the local community


People that we work with are important to us.

  • Encourage all employees to work remotely
  • Provide flexibility to work wherever our staff want
  • We remember and celebrate client and employee birthdays
  • There are not so many festivals in the UK, but we celebrate all the festivals and days we can, because life is about celebrating
  • We promote diversity and work with people all over the world regardless of borders
  • We encourage clients to connect with us remotely, to suit their schedule


We review key decisions carefully, and how it impacts our environment.

  • 100% paper free
  • Recycle all of the paper we receive
  • Low Co2 emitting website
  • Use suppliers that use sustainable energy
  • We plant trees
  • Low Co2 emitting transport, if we use transportation
  • Encourage all meetings to be done remotely