Finance Calendar 2023: Key dates for your SME and personal finances

Here’s our rundown of the key finance dates heading into 2023, and the start of 2024. We’ll cover off deadlines for PAYE, self assessment, and other tax considerations, while also covering off changes to legislation that can affect both your business, and your personal finances.

We’ve broken this down by date. Keep an eye out for handy links, either to official government websites, or to supporting blogs on the Pennyhills website, to make sure you’re prepared for the next 12 months. 


February 2023 

March 2023 

April 2023 

May 2023 

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

January 2024

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While these dates are key touch points in the upcoming financial year, it is not an exhaustive list. Things change. For example, the upcoming budget on the 15th March, could move the goalposts for both your business and personal finances. 

To keep fully up to date over the coming year, sign up for our newsletter. Every month we share advice on managing tax, growing your business and streamlining your personal finances. 

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